Monday, September 15, 2008

Three years and counting!!!

Ann mocked me for taking all these pictures, but darn it, this is a big deal!!! After three years and then some, the Ebert family is less than two months away from finishing their house!!


Here's a shot of their new upstairs balcony hanging out over their kitchen. This is the part I'm most thrilled about -- I was always afraid of Sophie taking a nose dive off the edge. (And look -- she can't even fit her head through the bars! Good job, Dan!)

And here's the opposite shot of the kitchen from the balcony -- and no, that's not just dust on the lens... there was dust everywhere! (Sunday we're going to send around a sign-up for the November clean up party. It should only take us about, oh, three more months!)
Okay, I'm a total nerd, but this is one of the coolest things ever! This is there super-exciting pantry door -- here it is closed....

And when you open it, hey presto! The light AUTOMATICALLY COMES ON! iSN'T THAT THE COOLEST THING EVER??! Tell me that's the coolest thing you've ever seen in a house! Don't you wish your pantry lit up when you opened the door? (Okay, enough -- hose me down already!)Here's their super efficient dishwasher. Honestly, compared the rest of the house, it looks so small. They need three of these...

When you own an art store, I guess it's only fitting that you should have some sort of artwork befitting to your occupation to grace your walls. But I never thought it would be RIGHT ON THE WALL!

This is how cool Ann is -- not only did she get her GRANITE COUNTERTOPS for considerably less than originally bid, she got her bathroom counters AND this lovely collecter's set of granite cleaner, accompanied by a personally engraved thank you card from the contractors. You gotta' love her kind of connections!

This is their upstairs great room. This picture doesn't really do it justice, with all the tools and scaffolding in the way. It's really great awesome FABULOUS!

And last, but certainly not least, this is where all the bad little Eberts go...
Anne (Q, not Ebert) demonstrating the meaning of "down the laundry chute".
(I got dibs on this spot for our first inaugral round of Sardines...)


SevenVillageIdiarts said...

What a thing of beauty. I'll give you the name of my cleaning lady!! ha, ha. . .

Whitney R said...

LOVE the house. Wow. Massive kitchen-GREAT. Dark granite counter tops-beautiful! The pantry light thing, I saw on a home tour and thought.. when we build some day have to have that! And, of course, the vacuum thingy in your kitchen under the cabinets that suck up all your crumbs.

Ann Ebert said...

I am so glad that someone out there is excited for us! I sometimes feel the excitement drain from me because this has been such a long, tedious, project. Will it ever end? Thanks for your enthusiasm. I fell motivated now.

Tana said...

When is the party? I'm there! I will bring the TP! Wonderful. Those phone jacks are awesome too!