Sunday, September 7, 2008

Think BLUE!

When I look at this picture, here's what I think:


We have a great group of gals, and even if some of us are literally related, we're ALL sisters and buddies and pals and kindred spirits. We go to different schools, and our ward boundaries are really all over the place, but we are united in purpose and function: to learn the gospel and strengthen our testimonies...and have some fun while we're at it.

(The other thing I think is that Marci looks good in a hat!)

So, this month as we focus on Divine Nature, think about this:

What do your "sisters" mean to you?
How does this ward family help you gain a testimony of the gospel?
More importantly, how can you help them?

We all want to hear what you have to say...think of this as an extended Ward Journal entry and leave a comment!

(By the way, if you don't know how to leave a comment, just click on the link below this post that says "Comments", then type what you want to say. Don't forget to do the "word verification" thingy. If you have a gmail account, click on the Google/Blogger identity and click "Publish your comment." If You don't have gmail, then select the Anonymous identity and publish. We'll make sure everybody gets on the blog!)


Anonymous said...

I love the blue thing.

To me, sisters means people you can goof around and people you can learn things with. -Sara

Anonymous said...

I'm still kind of new and I don't know very many people very well, but my ward sisters and family will be there for me when I need support and I think that as I gain a testimony of the gospel, sharing the experience with the other young women will help me even more. -Anne

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

I love the photos, girls!! You are all so beautiful!! I sure enjoyed teaching you all last month at ward conference and all your participation. It was my most successful lesson ever given, so thank you! xoxoxo, love you all, Sister Idiart

Whitney R said...

I think this is a great idea. I was just called to be a Mia Maid adviser. :)