Friday, January 16, 2009

Ha, HA!!! The Quackster Strikes Again!

I bet you all thought you were going to get rid of me...... (insert scary, evil laugh: bwa-ha-ha-ha!!!)

I just wanted to say hey and I really miss you guys!! Primary is...well, I hate to admit it, but I'm actually enjoying myself downstairs, and those CTR5 kids are a heckuva' lotta' fun, and guess what? They SING in Primary! Like, A LOT! Why don't we sing as much in YW?? Can someone please explain to me why there is a Primary Song Book, but not a YW song book??

Anyway, Sundays just aren't the same, and I miss coming to Mutual, and taking all kinds of goofy pictures of you all (okay, and myself), and thanks for all the great times, and no, I'm not dying or moving or anything, but sometimes I feel like it. (Moving, that is, not dying.... sheesh!)

In the meantime, would anybody like to learn how to manage this blog? I know Sister Ebert would love to share this more with all of you girls and leaders, and it's lots of fun, and there's all kinds of cool stuff you can do with it (notice the hip, new festive background, etc.), and you know you'd rather blog than do your homework.

Don't tell your parents I said that...

Wait... I'm a parent!

I love you guys.... I miss you guys.... but remember I'm really not that far away!

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