Thursday, July 3, 2008

We Survived Camp!!!

What a fantastic week!
Well, okay -- four days doesn't exactly constitute a week, but we had a great time nonetheless. We got back last Saturday, but it's taken me a few days to recover and collect a few priceless Kodak moments from various sources who shall remain nameless...

We had thirteen girls and five leaders represent our ward this year, and Medford Third Ward rocked the house with the best Dr. Sue-ss "Girls Camp Musical", complete with show tunes and and everything. (If anyone got pictures or video of that skit, let me know! I'd love to post it!)


Wow...okay, moving on...

In case you were wondering what all our husbands think of camp, here is a great example capturing the very essence of spousal support. Don't let Dan fool you -- have you noticed that he always volunteers to come up as our ward priesthood representative? Hmmmm....I'd like to see him shake his foot!

Here's a shot of our fabulous group of first years. See if you can count the heads -- there should be 32 of them, including leaders, but you never know how many of them actually survive all the pranks and ...well... primitive conditions.... (the poor babies have to sleep in CABINS, on their own bunks, with running hot showers and flushie toilets, after all!).

Alicia was our solitary, brave second year girl this year. I didn't actually get a group picture of the 2nd years girls en masse, but she came, she saw, and she conquered...with home-made flannel jammies and fuzzy slippers to boot.

Thank you very much...Alicia has left the building...

Third years were a riot! Babysitting eggs for 24 hours and blistering their hands with the old flint and steel, they really came through in certification. And even if we didn't get to canoe across the lake...or do the polar bear dip at polar bear hours...or do the compass treasure hunt because a tree conveniently decided to fall on the treasure spot...or anything else we planned on doing, we still had fun not doing it!

The fourth year girls, of course, are so well-adjusted to the environment, that we can hardly keep them from rolling in the dirt and underbrush -- they really know what it means to be one with nature! I can't wait until next year when these girls get to run the place as YCL'S!!

And speaking of next year, look at our future first years! The eleven year old girls came to camp for the day, and they nearly took over! Count them --this is a record-breaking group of girls! And this isn't even all of them!!

Okay, how did this picture get in here? I have no comment ... it must have been the bottle of Martinelli's my secret sister gave me that I guzzled down before lunch...

Wow!!! Here she is again! You may have to click on the picture to blow it up, but that really is Katy in the black cape...I caught her when she couldn't duck! And another shot of her better side...Katy, you're my hero!

1 comment:

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

I have so many cute pictures of the girls in your ward, and one really beautiful one of Katy, FYI. . .also, I have TWO videos of Ann doing THE SHAKE. . .so Ann, I'll accept bribes in the form of any kind of chocolate, otherwise, I'm posting after the Trek. . .The world needs to see your talent, and 40 year old moves.